
GWPR Romania Launches ‘PR Arena’

10th Apr 2019

GWPR Romania, in partnership with the Faculty of Journalism and Communication, is launching a major competition for students of public relations to win training, internships and other additional support as they consider a career in the world of PR. The competition which will take place on 18th-19th April, will see...

WPR Ghana – 3rd Summit Details Announced

5th Apr 2019

Women in PR Ghana will be holding their 2019 Summit on 6th July 2019 at the Tomreik Hotel in Ghana’s capital, Accra. The theme for this, the 3rd Summit is “Collaborate, Inspire, Lead” – with topics covering the next generation of PR Women “PR’ing the PR”; fostering strategic collaborations in...

GWPR Italia Launches

25th Mar 2019

Milan, 21st March 2019 – more than 130 senior female PR and Communications professionals gathered to celebrate the launch of GWPR Italia at an event hosted by the new group’s founding members. This new community of PR women is the latest group to join the growing global networking organisation GWPR....

GWPR Romania Visits Digi24 TV

24th Mar 2019

Members of Global Women in PR Romania met top journalists from TV broadcaster Digi24 TV in a three hours tour of the TV news studios. After visiting editorial rooms and “assisting” in the live transmission of a TV broadcast, the tour ended with a question and answer session with some...

GWPR Italia Launches Tomorrow

20th Mar 2019

We are delighted to announce the launch of Global WPR Italia tomorrow at Le Village in Milan.   GWPR Italia’s Founder and President and CEO of Havas Life Italy, Carola Salvato will be joined by the Global GWPR Co-President and Founder, Angela Oakes. The association has received the recognition and...