Published 24th Oct 2019
Women in PR Cymru, which launched in Wales in October, has become the latest network to join GWPR (Global Women in PR) – the international organisation for women in senior PR and communication roles
The Cymru network is the first ever Women in PR UK group to be set up outside London and is designed to empower, inspire and support women working in the PR and communications industry in Wales.
The affiliation with GWPR strengthens the Women in PR Cymru offer to members and will help to increase its influence and impact across the world.
Women in PR Cymru is co-founded by Laurian Hubbard, who is currently seconded to the Cabinet Office as a Brexit Campaign Lead from the Intellectual Property Office and Rachel Moss who is Head of Communications at the Wales Audit Office.
Both are award-winning Chartered PR Professionals and, between them, hold professional PR qualifications, memberships of the CIPR, PRCA and Government Communications Service. They also volunteer on CIPR and GCS Committees alongside their new voluntary roles as Women in PR Cymru Joint Presidents.
Getting involved
Women in PR Cymru is actively looking to welcome new members from all backgrounds. Those joining for the first year will be offered complimentary founder membership for one year as the network is established.
A programme of events and activities for 2020 is being developed, which includes extending the PR Week mentoring scheme in Wales and a media lunch on 9 January with ITV Broadcaster, Andrea Byrne at the Park Plaza, Cardiff. Further details are on Eventbrite and can be found on the Wales page of womeninpr.org.uk
Global Women in PR Co-Founder and Joint President, Angela Oakes said today:
“We’re pleased to welcome Women in PR Cymru as an affiliate group to GWPR – a networking organisation connecting women in senior PR roles around the world. Wales is no different to other countries around the world in that PR is an industry that is predominantly female; yet the reality is that men occupy most seats at the boardroom table.
Our goal is to help, encourage and inspire women to take leadership roles in the PR and communications profession. We are developing a global community so we can actively work together to make the changes needed for both men and women to shape the PR industry for the future.”
WIPR Cymru Co-Founder and President, Laurian Hubbard said today:
“We’re delighted to have launched Women in PR Cymru this autumn and extending that to become part of GWPR is an exciting next step for us and our community in Wales.”
WIPR Cymru Co-Founder and President, Rachel Moss said today:
“It’s great to be able to link our network up with others across the world and to be able to extend the support we can offer our members – to become better connected with the rich pool of talent and ideas that exist within the global PR industry.”
Laurian Hubbard and Rachel Moss
If you’d like to find out more about Women in PR Cymru you can follow them on Twitter @WIPR_Cymru or join their mailing list by emailing WPRCymru@womeninpr.org.uk.