Published 21st May 2019
GWPR Romania’s initiative, PR Arena, a competition launched in partnership with the Faculty of Journalism, saw students under the guidance of experienced PR practitioners respond to a live brief convincing youngsters to vote in European Parliamentary Elections.
Over two days on 18th and 19th April, a number of groups made up of 3-4 students gained a real-time, real-life perspective of the world of PR, researching and planning and delivering a plan of action that was then judged.
Two of the ideas are now live and are being implemented by the students in partnership with NGOs, GWPR members and their supporting colleagues.
Information about one of the campaigns – #DaVotuTare (Make The Vote Louder) can found on GWPR Romania’s Facebook page here. Working on the basis that the more we vote, the louder our voice, the winning team convinced bars and fast food outlets to offer discounts to those who vote on 26th May.
The second initiative – #ParliamentullnTenisi (The Parliament in Snickers) focused around people bringing their favourite snickers to parliament to highlight the number of young people who want to be represented by young politicians.
A second edition of PR Arena will take place in October, with a another marathon of 24 hours solving a brief for another NGO. The winning team will again be part of the implementation team.
It is a valuable experience for students to be able to see first hand how a brief is being solved from the moment it is received to the moment in which the idea comes to live.