Published 16th Mar 2018
“It’s tempting to hold on to things we love, but it is far more rewarding to enable those around you to soar.” Did you catch our #IWD special? Still as relevant today as it was last week. Resharing so that this great content continues to get the attention it deserves. First off – this from Elise Mitchell, President of ICCO, author and founder of the Mitchell Communications Group.
Who pressed for your progress?
I have a group of very close friends that make up my “tribe of women.” They are all highly accomplished professionals, and we are committed to encouraging each other to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. I have turned to this sage group on many occasions for advice and wisdom on both professional and personal challenges. The beauty of our tribe is that we can be brutally honest but always have each other’s best interests at heart. They have made me a better CEO, wife, mom and friend.
Whose progress have you pressed for and how?
During the years we were building Mitchell Communications Group, I learned a powerful lesson: To focus on what only I could do and give the rest away. In other words, I had to share challenging and rewarding responsibilities with my leadership team. When I did that, I watched them take clients, programs and projects to a whole new level, and our firm benefitted greatly. It’s tempting to hold on to things we love, but it is far more rewarding to enable those around you to soar.
What’s your #pledgeforprogress in 2018?
To champion the successes of other women so more leaders can see talented, accomplished women as role models