GWPR’s DE&I Promise

Global Women in PR is a not-for-profit membership organisation for women working in senior roles in PR and communications. Our objective is to champion, connect and support women working in the PR and Communications Industry. We inspire women to become leaders, we celebrate diversity and we promote public relations as an important global industry.

The organisation continues to grow from strength to strength, with networking groups across Europe, in the Middle East, Mexico, India, Ghana, Singapore, Australia and the UK. New groups are currently developing in Denmark, Spain and the United States.

Our members come from varied backgrounds and individual experiences. Acknowledging this rich tapestry, the concept of a diverse, equitable and inclusive profession is part of the very fabric of GWPR.

Diversity enables organisations to better reflect the communities they serve. It encompasses many aspects including but not restricted to nationality, race, age, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic backgrounds, gender identity, sexual orientations, and disability. Individuals bring varied perspectives to the table that underline their own personal lived experiences, as a result. These, in turn, impact how we perceive others around us, work environments and professional relationships.

Equity recognises we all have different starting positions due to our lived experiences. Together, equality and equity draw attention to the need to create a better balance and a level playing field for all.

Inclusion enables equal access to opportunities for all, particularly in a professional environment. This, in turn, allows individuals to fully contribute to an organisation’s success, knowing their voice is heard and valued.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) cannot remain token words on paper or on a website. In order for a real and tangible shift in behaviour to take place, it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to bring these to life, every single day.

Our Promise

  • GWPR is fully committed to ensuring our profession practices diversity, equity and inclusion in every area of the public relations and communications industry.
  • GWPR encourages the participation of all women, from diverse backgrounds, experiences, ages, religions, races, ethnicities, gender identities, and sexual orientations within the industry to work together and support each other.
  • GWPR supports and encourages its member organisations to create an inclusive and open environment where all women in PR and communications can thrive.
  • GWPR’s Executive, Global Advisory and International Boards are committed to having serving board members from a diverse a mix of cultures, backgrounds and experiences.
  • GWPR will actively address any concerns raised by members in situations where diversity, equity and inclusion are in question.

Recent studies from McKinsey and Deloitte show that companies with diverse executive teams are 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability and those with inclusive cultures are eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes.

There is undoubtedly a strong moral and business case for diversity, equity and inclusion in public relations and communications. GWPR will refine its DE&I promise as the industry continues to evolve. For any feedback or queries, do contact us at