Affiliate Membership

Global Networking Membership

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We are delighted that by visiting this page you are interested in joining Global Women in PR.

Our global community is made up of National GWPR Groups whose members are automatically part of the GWPR network. If there is a national group already in your country, please apply via the contact details that are posted on their specific group page which can be found under Groups & Affiliates.

If you are a member of one of our Affiliates or there is no national GWPR group in your country, you are very welcome to join as an individual member.

Eligibility for Individual Membership is based on women who hold senior positions within the PR industry both agency and ‘in-house’ or who are freelance consultants with significant PR experience. The application process is on-line and each application will be considered by the Executive Committee for approval.

The Benefits of Membership:

  • Access to our international database of senior women in PR
  • Opportunity to network at GWPR events – wherever they may be held
  • Sharing of thought leadership on issues affecting women and best practice
  • Involvement in shaping the future of women within the PR industry

The sense of belonging to an international community with a shared purpose