GWPR Masterclass: Navigating Global Success – cultural awareness in international careers

Published 16th Sep 2024

Margaret Key, APAC and MEA CEO of MSL

Speaker: Margaret Key

Report by mentee: Joy Ruwodo, Director Feel the Joy, South Africa

I recently attended a masterclass led by Margaret Key, CEO of MSL for Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. Her 25-plus years of experience in driving strategic communication across regions made her an ideal guide for our exploration of cultural awareness in global communications.

Ahead of the session, Margaret engaged us with thought-provoking questions:

  • How would you describe your client’s attitude toward your agency?
  • Are you seen as a strategic advisor or tactical delivery partner?
  • Do you feel able to impact decision-making beyond your immediate brief?
  • What are your biggest frustrations with how the agency team is engaged?
  • What do you think is the most significant opportunity or area of focus?

We started the session with a robust discussion on the importance of adopting a big-picture view. Margaret’s opening questions ignited a lively debate in which we shared honest feedback about how clients perceive our communications roles. Some colleagues felt positioned as strategic advisors, guiding clients towards long-term goals. Others expressed frustration, feeling confined to tactical delivery tasks without much influence on broader decision-making.

Margaret shared a refreshing perspective, emphasising that the role of communications in a business is more than just a function or a department – it is the energy that connects an organisation, fuels belief and creates momentum. She highlighted its role as a strategic advisory force and business transformation tool, capable of influencing every dimension of the organisation. Solidifying this point, she quoted Erin Passan and Spencer Stuart: “If you want a seat at the executive table, this is what great executives do: they think outside their function and work collectively with their peers to come to the best possible outcome.”

Understanding cultural awareness

Joy Ruwodo
Joy Ruwodo, GWPR mentee and author of this article

We delved into cultural awareness, a critical skill in today’s interconnected world. We learned that cultural awareness goes beyond customs and traditions; it’s about appreciating values and perspectives that shape behaviour and decision-making. Embracing diversity of thought, communication styles, and backgrounds was a recurring theme.  Margaret encouraged us to “seek to understand before being understood” and approach differences with open minds. This enriches our lives and fosters stronger connections and impactful communication strategies.

Embracing curiosity and the honeycomb model

Margaret shared the importance of embracing curiosity, thinking laterally and asking insightful questions during initial client engagements as a precursor to crafting impactful strategies. She provided examples such as:

  • What’s the ultimate objective, and how will it improve business results?
  • How will success be measured?
  • Why are we doing this work now?

She shared the insightful concept of the honeycomb model, which encourages us to build a diverse network of information sources and constantly seek new knowledge and perspectives. Like bees collecting nectar from various flowers, this approach keeps our work relevant and innovative in a rapidly evolving world.

Building contextual understanding and anticipating needs

Margaret reiterated the importance of crafting communication with the recipient’s context in mind, tailoring messages to the audience’s background, needs, and expectations to resonate deeply and inspire action. Finally, we discussed the skill of anticipating needs and consequences, enabling us to design strategies that are both effective and sustainable. We can deliver exceptional value and build lasting relationships by proactively planning and getting ahead of key milestones.

Personal Reflections

The masterclass was inspiring. The lessons on cultural awareness, curiosity, context, communication focus, and anticipating consequences are practical tools I can leverage in my daily work. The Global Women in PR Empower programme has been an invaluable source of knowledge and inspiration, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this cohort.

I look forward to applying these insights to drive success in my international career.