APPLY NOW to be a mentee in the GWPR EMPOWER 2023 programme – applications close 19 May


GWPR MENA connect and attract women in leadership within the communications industry across the MENA region, as we strive for excellence and a fair gender balance.

With a focus on the future, GWPR MENA offers a not-for-profit platform for our members to tackle key issues around the role of women as well as the fast-changing landscape within the industry. We recognize that the world of PR is fundamentally shifting and that creative communications is at the core of our future.

Our engagement framework is built around four key strategic pillars:

  • Connect: Bringing interesting and diverse female and industry leaders together across a year-long program
  • Provocate: Driving conversations through a distinctive format that opens up new debate around positive tension points
  • Inspire: Creating energy, open-ness and transparency we’ll inspire each other and have some fun along the way
  • Empower: Taking the conversations from the ‘boardroom’ in a meaningful to leaders of the future

We look forward to providing effective support to our talented female leaders across the region and being distinctive in our ‘platform delivery’. In addition, we embrace and encourage involving the next generation of female leaders through our mentoring program, debates and knowledge sharing sessions – we believe in output focused impact.


If you are interested in joining GWPR MENA please contact
